
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Day 1 of 10 Day's of Christmas Ornaments with Cynthialoowho♥

It's Christmas time right? Well almost so we need to get ready and I want to help as much as I can. In this series I will show you how to make your own Christmas Ornaments with crafting supplies you may already have.
Day 1 is this pink Chandelier Ornament.
Supplies used:
20 Gauge silver toned wire
Misc. pearls and beads.
Tools used:
Round nosed pliers
Wire cutters

To see a tutorial on this ornament click HERE!
Thank you for joining me on Day 1 of
10 Day's of Christmas Ornaments with Cynthialoowho♥
Please watch for Day 2!


  1. You made this look almost too easy! I must make this! TFS!

  2. Thank you for showing how you make your loops with the wire. I have struggled for years to make a neat wire loop. The ornament is very pretty. I know I will be making some of these for my tree.TFS

  3. I am in love love love with these!

  4. Wow this is so pretty! Thank you so much for this series, it makes me think of think of my great grandma. She use to make handmade ornaments for her tree and I always loved them. Thank you for bringing back great memories :) ~Ashley~

  5. Love this and cant wait to try... thanks for sharing.

  6. This great! I hope you do you tut on dying crytals with alcohol inks soon!!

  7. Omg, this looks so simple yet so elegant, I want to be you when I grow up! Lol thanks for sharing!

  8. Hi Cindy,
    I have been watching the videos each day and started commenting on them in backward order. You are so clever. I have enjoyed all the ornaments and enjoyed your videos. I love your laughter. You make me smile.

  9. Beautiful Cindy!!Love it love it love it!! hugs~Lisa
